Abs Encoder Battery Connector

Many commercially available absolute encoders require a modest amount of battery power in order to retain their counters when the Guidance controller is powered down. If the user's system is equipped with this type of encoder, a suitable battery source must be connected to the encoder battery connector that is located on the communications board. See Figure 7-5.

Figure 7-5: Molex 22-11-2022

From the communication board, the battery power flows down to the MIDS board and then connects to pins on the encoder connectors (see Table 7-5). See the reference pages for the MIDS Encoder connectors for additional information. Also, refer to the specific information for the encoder for the recommended battery voltage and capacity.

NOTE: Due to the low voltage of batteries and the very low current drain of encoders in standby mode, a poor or higher resistance connection between the battery and the encoder can result in a momentary loss of power to the encoder. Even a very short loss of power can result in an absolute encoder losing its calibration data and signaling a low battery voltage error. Therefore, all connectors from the battery, through the controller and out to the encoder must be gold plated with high compression forces and all wires must have very low resistance.


Table 7-5: Pinout

Pin Description





User Plug Part for Molex 22-11-2022

Housing: TE 1375820-2, Sockets: TE 1375819-2